1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667
//! This is the Module to interact in a save way with the Arduboy2 C++ library.
//! All of the functions are safe wrapped inside the [Arduboy2] struct.
use super::binding::*;
use super::print::Printable;
use crate::hardware::buttons::ButtonSet;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::Not;
/// The standard font size of the arduboy
/// this is to calculate with it.
pub const FONT_WIDTH: i16 = 6;
pub const FONT_HEIGHT: i16 = 8;
/// The standard width of the arduboy
/// this is to calculate with it.
pub const WIDTH: i16 = 128;
/// The standard height of the arduboy
/// this is to calculate with it.
pub const HEIGHT: i16 = 64;
/// This item is to chose between Black or White
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Color {
/// Led is off
/// Led is on
impl Not for Color {
type Output = Self;
fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
match self {
Color::Black => Color::White,
Color::White => Color::Black,
/// This struct is used by a few Arduboy functions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Rect {
/// Position X
pub x: i16,
/// Position Y
pub y: i16,
/// Rect width
pub width: u8,
/// Rect height
pub height: u8,
/// This struct is used by a few Arduboy functions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Point {
/// Position X
pub x: i16,
/// Position Y
pub y: i16,
/// This is the struct to interact in a save way with the Arduboy2 C++ library.
pub struct Arduboy2 {}
impl Arduboy2 {
/// gives you a new instance of the [Arduboy2]
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
/// use arduboy_rust::prelude::*;
/// const arduboy: Arduboy2 = Arduboy2::new();
/// ```
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Arduboy2 {}
/// Initialize the hardware, display the boot logo, provide boot utilities, etc.
/// This function should be called once near the start of the sketch, usually in setup(), before using any other functions in this class. It initializes the display, displays the boot logo, provides "flashlight" and system control features and initializes audio control.
pub fn begin(&self) {
unsafe { begin() }
/// Clear the display buffer and set the text cursor to location 0, 0.
pub fn clear(&self) {
unsafe { clear() }
/// Copy the contents of the display buffer to the display.
/// The contents of the display buffer in RAM are copied to the display and will appear on the screen.
pub fn display(&self) {
unsafe { display() }
///Copy the contents of the display buffer to the display. The display buffer will be cleared to zero.
///Operation is the same as calling display() without parameters except additionally the display buffer will be cleared.
pub fn display_and_clear_buffer(&self) {
unsafe { display_and_clear_buffer() }
///Draw a horizontal line.
///### Parameters:
///- x The X coordinate of the left start point.
///- y The Y coordinate of the left start point.
///- w The width of the line.
///color The color of the line (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn draw_fast_hline(&self, x: i16, y: i16, w: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_fast_hline_raw(x, y, w, color as u8) }
///Draw a vertical line.
///### Parameters:
///- x The X coordinate of the left start point.
///- y The Y coordinate of the left start point.
///- h The height of the line.
///color The color of the line (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn draw_fast_vline(&self, x: i16, y: i16, h: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_fast_vline_raw(x, y, h, color as u8) }
///Set a single pixel in the display buffer to the specified color.
///### Parameters
///- x The X coordinate of the pixel.
///- y The Y coordinate of the pixel.
///- color The color of the pixel (optional; defaults to WHITE).
///The single pixel specified location in the display buffer is set to the specified color. The values WHITE or BLACK can be used for the color. If the color parameter isn't included, the pixel will be set to WHITE.
pub fn draw_pixel(&self, x: i16, y: i16, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_pixel_raw(x, y, color as u8) }
///Draw a filled-in rectangle of a specified width and height.
///### Parameters
///- x The X coordinate of the upper left corner.
///- y The Y coordinate of the upper left corner.
///- w The width of the rectangle.
///- h The height of the rectangle.
///color The color of the pixel (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn fill_rect(&self, x: i16, y: i16, w: u8, h: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { fill_rect_raw(x, y, w, h, color as u8) }
///Draw a rectangle of a specified width and height.
///- x The X coordinate of the upper left corner.
///- y The Y coordinate of the upper left corner.
///- w The width of the rectangle.
///- h The height of the rectangle.
///- color The color of the pixel (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn draw_rect(&self, x: i16, y: i16, w: u8, h: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_rect_raw(x, y, w, h, color as u8) }
///Draw a circle of a given radius.
///- x0 The X coordinate of the circle's center.
///- y0 The Y coordinate of the circle's center.
///- r The radius of the circle in pixels.
///- color The circle's color (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn draw_circle(&self, x: i16, y: i16, r: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_circle_raw(x, y, r, color as u8) }
///Draw a filled-in circle of a given radius.
///### Parameters
///- x The X coordinate of the circle's center.
///- y The Y coordinate of the circle's center.
///- r The radius of the circle in pixels.
///color The circle's color (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn fill_circle(&self, x: i16, y: i16, r: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { fill_circle_raw(x, y, r, color as u8) }
///Draw a filled-in rectangle with rounded corners.
///- x The X coordinate of the left edge.
///- y The Y coordinate of the top edge.
///- w The width of the rectangle.
///- h The height of the rectangle.
///- r The radius of the semicircles forming the corners.
///- color The color of the rectangle (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn fill_round_rect(&self, x: i16, y: i16, w: u8, h: u8, r: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { fill_round_rect(x, y, w, h, r, color as u8) }
///Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
///- x The X coordinate of the left edge.
///- y The Y coordinate of the top edge.
///- w The width of the rectangle.
///- h The height of the rectangle.
///- r The radius of the semicircles forming the corners.
///- color The color of the rectangle (optional; defaults to WHITE).
pub fn draw_round_rect(&self, x: i16, y: i16, w: u8, h: u8, r: u8, color: Color) {
unsafe { draw_round_rect(x, y, w, h, r, color as u8) }
///Draw a triangle given the coordinates of each corner.
///- x0,x1,x2 The X coordinates of the corners.
///- y0,y1,y2 The Y coordinates of the corners.
///- color The triangle's color (optional; defaults to WHITE).
///A triangle is drawn by specifying each of the three corner locations. The corners can be at any position with respect to the others.
pub fn draw_triangle(
x0: i16,
y0: i16,
x1: i16,
y1: i16,
x2: i16,
y2: i16,
color: Color,
) {
unsafe { draw_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color as u8) }
///Draw a filled-in triangle given the coordinates of each corner.
///- x0,x1,x2 The X coordinates of the corners.
///- y0,y1,y2 The Y coordinates of the corners.
///- color The triangle's color (optional; defaults to WHITE).
///A triangle is drawn by specifying each of the three corner locations. The corners can be at any position with respect to the others.
pub fn fill_triangle(
x0: i16,
y0: i16,
x1: i16,
y1: i16,
x2: i16,
y2: i16,
color: Color,
) {
unsafe { fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color as u8) }
///Returns the state of the given pixel in the screen buffer.
///### Parameters
///- x The X coordinate of the pixel.
///- y The Y coordinate of the pixel.
///### Returns
///WHITE if the pixel is on or BLACK if the pixel is off.
pub fn get_pixel(&self, x: u8, y: u8) -> Color {
unsafe { mem::transmute::<u8, Color>(get_pixel_raw(x, y)) }
/// Seed the random number generator with a random value.
/// The Arduino pseudorandom number generator is seeded with the random value returned from a call to generateRandomSeed().
pub fn init_random_seed(&self) {
unsafe { init_random_seed() }
///Check if a button has just been pressed.
///### Parameters
///- button The button to test for. Only one button should be specified.
///### Returns
///true if the specified button has just been pressed.
///Return true if the given button was pressed between the latest call to pollButtons() and previous call to pollButtons(). If the button has been held down over multiple polls, this function will return false.
///There is no need to check for the release of the button since it must have been released for this function to return true when pressed again.
///This function should only be used to test a single button.
pub fn just_pressed(&self, button: ButtonSet) -> bool {
unsafe { just_pressed(button.flag_set) }
///Check if a button has just been released.
///### Parameters
///- button The button to test for. Only one button should be specified.
///### Returns
///true if the specified button has just been released.
///Return true if the given button was released between the latest call to pollButtons() and previous call to pollButtons(). If the button has been held down over multiple polls, this function will return false.
///There is no need to check for the released of the button since it must have been pressed for this function to return true when pressed again.
///This function should only be used to test a single button.
pub fn just_released(&self, button: ButtonSet) -> bool {
unsafe { just_released(button.flag_set) }
///Test if the specified buttons are not pressed.
///### Parameters
///- buttons A bit mask indicating which buttons to test. (Can be a single button)
///### Returns
/// True if all buttons in the provided mask are currently released.
///Read the state of the buttons and return true if all the buttons in the specified mask are currently released.
pub fn not_pressed(&self, button: ButtonSet) -> bool {
unsafe { not_pressed(button.flag_set) }
///Indicate that it's time to render the next frame.
///### Returns
///true if it's time for the next frame.
///When this function returns true, the amount of time has elapsed to display the next frame, as specified by setFrameRate() or setFrameDuration().
///This function will normally be called at the start of the rendering loop which would wait for true to be returned before rendering and displaying the next frame.
pub fn next_frame(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { next_frame() }
///Poll the buttons and track their state over time.
///Read and save the current state of the buttons and also keep track of the button state when this function was previously called. These states are used by the justPressed() and justReleased() functions to determine if a button has changed state between now and the previous call to pollButtons().
///This function should be called once at the start of each new frame.
///The justPressed() and justReleased() functions rely on this function.
pub fn poll_buttons(&self) {
unsafe { poll_buttons() }
///Test if the all of the specified buttons are pressed.
///### Parameters
///- buttons A bit mask indicating which buttons to test. (Can be a single button)
///### Returns
/// true if all buttons in the provided mask are currently pressed.
///Read the state of the buttons and return true if all of the buttons in the specified mask are being pressed.
pub fn pressed(&self, button: ButtonSet) -> bool {
unsafe { pressed(button.flag_set) }
///The Arduino Print class is available for writing text to the screen buffer.
///For an Arduboy2 class object, functions provided by the Arduino Print class can be used to write text to the screen buffer, in the same manner as the Arduino Serial.print(), etc., functions.
///Print will use the write() function to actually draw each character in the screen buffer, using the library's font5x7 font. Two character values are handled specially:
///- ASCII newline/line feed (\n, 0x0A, inverse white circle). This will move the text cursor position to the start of the next line, based on the current text size.
///- ASCII carriage return (\r, 0x0D, musical eighth note). This character will be ignored.
/// ### Example
/// ```
/// #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
/// use arduboy_rust::prelude::*;
/// const arduboy: Arduboy2 = Arduboy2::new();
/// let value: i16 = 42;
/// arduboy.print(b"Hello World\n\0"[..]); // Prints "Hello World" and then sets the
/// // text cursor to the start of the next line
/// arduboy.print(f!(b"Hello World\n")); // Prints "Hello World" but does not use the 2kb ram
/// arduboy.print(value); // Prints "42"
/// arduboy.print("\n\0"); // Sets the text cursor to the start of the next line
/// arduboy.print("hello world") // Prints normal [&str]
/// ```
pub fn print(&self, x: impl Printable) {
///Set the location of the text cursor.
///### Parameters
///- x The X (horizontal) coordinate, in pixels, for the new location of the text cursor.
/// - y The Y (vertical) coordinate, in pixels, for the new location of the text cursor.
///The location of the text cursor is set the the specified coordinates. The coordinates are in pixels. Since the coordinates can specify any pixel location, the text does not have to be placed on specific rows. As with all drawing functions, location 0, 0 is the top left corner of the display. The cursor location represents the top left corner of the next character written.
pub fn set_cursor(&self, x: i16, y: i16) {
unsafe { set_cursor(x, y) }
///Set the frame rate used by the frame control functions.
///### Parameters
///- rate The desired frame rate in frames per second.
///Normally, the frame rate would be set to the desired value once, at the start of the game, but it can be changed at any time to alter the frame update rate.
pub fn set_frame_rate(&self, rate: u8) {
unsafe { set_frame_rate(rate) }
///Set the text character size.
///### Parameters
///- s The text size multiplier. Must be 1 or higher.
///Setting a text size of 1 will result in standard size characters with one pixel for each bit in the bitmap for a character. The value specified is a multiplier. A value of 2 will double the width and height. A value of 3 will triple the dimensions, etc.
pub fn set_text_size(&self, size: u8) {
unsafe { set_text_size(size) }
///Turn sound on.
///The system is configured to generate sound. This function sets the sound mode only until the unit is powered off.
pub fn audio_on(&self) {
unsafe { arduboy_audio_on() }
///Turn sound off (mute).
///The system is configured to not produce sound (mute). This function sets the sound mode only until the unit is powered off.
pub fn audio_off(&self) {
unsafe { arduboy_audio_off() }
/// Save the current sound state in EEPROM.
///The current sound state, set by on() or off(), is saved to the reserved system area in EEPROM. This allows the state to carry over between power cycles and after uploading a different sketch.
/// EEPROM is limited in the number of times it can be written to. Sketches should not continuously change and then save the state rapidly.
pub fn audio_save_on_off(&self) {
unsafe { arduboy_audio_save_on_off() }
///Toggle the sound on/off state.
///If the system is configured for sound on, it will be changed to sound off (mute). If sound is off, it will be changed to on. This function sets the sound mode only until the unit is powered off. To save the current mode use saveOnOff().
pub fn audio_toggle(&self) {
unsafe { arduboy_audio_toggle() }
/// Combines the use function of `audio_on()` and `audio_save_on_off()`
pub fn audio_on_and_save(&self) {
unsafe {
///Get the current sound state.
///### Returns
///true if sound is currently enabled (not muted).
///This function should be used by code that actually generates sound. If true is returned, sound can be produced. If false is returned, sound should be muted.
pub fn audio_enabled(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { arduboy_audio_enabled() }
///Invert the entire display or set it back to normal.
///### Parameters
///- inverse true will invert the display. false will set the display to no-inverted.
///Calling this function with a value of true will set the display to inverted mode. A pixel with a value of 0 will be on and a pixel set to 1 will be off.
///Once in inverted mode, the display will remain this way until it is set back to non-inverted mode by calling this function with false.
pub fn invert(&self, inverse: bool) {
unsafe { arduboy_invert(inverse) }
///Test if a point falls within a rectangle.
///- point A structure describing the location of the point.
///- rect A structure describing the location and size of the rectangle.
/// true if the specified point is within the specified rectangle.
///This function is intended to detemine if an object, whose boundaries are defined by the given rectangle, is in contact with the given point.
pub fn collide_point(&self, point: Point, rect: Rect) -> bool {
point.x >= rect.x
&& point.x < rect.x + rect.width as i16
&& point.y >= rect.y
&& point.y < rect.y + rect.height as i16
///Test if a rectangle is intersecting with another rectangle.
/// - rect1,rect2 Structures describing the size and locations of the rectangles.
/// true if the first rectangle is intersecting the second.
///This function is intended to detemine if an object, whose boundaries are defined by the given rectangle, is in contact with another rectangular object.
pub fn collide_rect(&self, rect1: Rect, rect2: Rect) -> bool {
!(rect2.x >= rect1.x + rect1.width as i16
|| rect2.x + rect2.width as i16 <= rect1.x
|| rect2.y >= rect1.y + rect1.height as i16
|| rect2.y + rect2.height as i16 <= rect1.y)
/// Set one of the RGB LEDs digitally, to either fully on or fully off.
/// Parameters
/// - color The name of the LED to set. The value given should be one of RED_LED, GREEN_LED or BLUE_LED.
/// - val Indicates whether to turn the specified LED on or off. The value given should be RGB_ON or RGB_OFF.
/// This 2 parameter version of the function will set a single LED within the RGB LED either fully on or fully off. See the description of the 3 parameter version of this function for more details on the RGB LED.
pub fn digital_write_rgb_single(&self, color: u8, val: u8) {
unsafe { digital_write_rgb_single(color, val) }
///Set the RGB LEDs digitally, to either fully on or fully off.
///- red,green,blue Use value RGB_ON or RGB_OFF to set each LED.
///The RGB LED is actually individual red, green and blue LEDs placed very close together in a single package. This 3 parameter version of the function will set each LED either on or off, to set the RGB LED to 7 different colors at their highest brightness or turn it off.
/// The colors are as follows:
/// ```
pub fn digital_write_rgb(&self, red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8) {
unsafe { digital_write_rgb(red, green, blue) }
///Set the brightness of one of the RGB LEDs without affecting the others.
///- color The name of the LED to set. The value given should be one of RED_LED, GREEN_LED or BLUE_LED.
///- val The brightness value for the LED, from 0 to 255.
///> In order to use this function, the 3 parameter version must first be called at least once, in order to initialize the hardware.
///This 2 parameter version of the function will set the brightness of a single LED within the RGB LED without affecting the current brightness of the other two. See the description of the 3 parameter version of this function for more details on the RGB LED.
pub fn set_rgb_led_single(&self, color: u8, val: u8) {
unsafe { set_rgb_led_single(color, val) }
/// Set the light output of the RGB LED.
///- red,green,blue The brightness value for each LED.
/// The RGB LED is actually individual red, green and blue LEDs placed very close together in a single package. By setting the brightness of each LED, the RGB LED can show various colors and intensities. The brightness of each LED can be set to a value from 0 (fully off) to 255 (fully on).
///> Certain libraries that take control of the hardware timers may interfere with the ability of this function to properly control the RGB LED. ArduboyPlaytune is one such library known to do this. The `digital_write_rgb()` function will still work properly in this case.
///> Many of the Kickstarter Arduboys were accidentally shipped with the RGB LED installed incorrectly. For these units, the green LED cannot be lit. As long as the green led is set to off, setting the red LED will actually control the blue LED and setting the blue LED will actually control the red LED. If the green LED is turned fully on, none of the LEDs will light.
pub fn set_rgb_led(&self, red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8) {
unsafe { set_rgb_led(red, green, blue) }
///Indicate if the specified number of frames has elapsed.
///- frames The desired number of elapsed frames.
/// true if the specified number of frames has elapsed.
///This function should be called with the same value each time for a given event. It will return true if the given number of frames has elapsed since the previous frame in which it returned true.
///## Example
///If you wanted to fire a shot every 5 frames while the A button is being held down:
/// #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
/// use arduboy_rust::prelude::*;
/// const arduboy: Arduboy2 = Arduboy2::new();
/// if arduboy.everyXFrames(5) {
/// if arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) {
/// //fireShot(); // just some example
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn every_x_frames(&self, frames: u8) -> bool {
unsafe { every_x_frames(frames) }
///Flip the display vertically or set it back to normal.
///- flipped true will set vertical flip mode. false will set normal vertical orientation.
///Calling this function with a value of true will cause the Y coordinate to start at the bottom edge of the display instead of the top, effectively flipping the display vertically.
///Once in vertical flip mode, it will remain this way until normal vertical mode is set by calling this function with a value of false.
pub fn flip_vertical(&self, flipped: bool) {
unsafe { flip_vertical(flipped) }
///Flip the display horizontally or set it back to normal.
/// - flipped true will set horizontal flip mode. false will set normal horizontal orientation.
///Calling this function with a value of true will cause the X coordinate to start at the left edge of the display instead of the right, effectively flipping the display horizontally.
///Once in horizontal flip mode, it will remain this way until normal horizontal mode is set by calling this function with a value of false.
pub fn flip_horizontal(&self, flipped: bool) {
unsafe { flip_horizontal(flipped) }
///Set the text foreground color.
///- color The color to be used for following text. The values WHITE or BLACK should be used.
pub fn set_text_color(&self, color: Color) {
unsafe { set_text_color(color as u8) }
///Set the text background color.
///- color The background color to be used for following text. The values WHITE or BLACK should be used.
///The background pixels of following characters will be set to the specified color.
///However, if the background color is set to be the same as the text color, the background will be transparent. Only the foreground pixels will be drawn. The background pixels will remain as they were before the character was drawn.
pub fn set_text_background_color(&self, color: Color) {
unsafe { set_text_background_color(color as u8) }
///Set the X coordinate of the text cursor location.
/// - x The X (horizontal) coordinate, in pixels, for the new location of the text cursor.
///The X coordinate for the location of the text cursor is set to the specified value, leaving the Y coordinate unchanged. For more details about the text cursor, see the setCursor() function.
pub fn set_cursor_x(&self, x: i16) {
unsafe { set_cursor_x(x) }
///Set the Y coordinate of the text cursor location.
///- y The Y (vertical) coordinate, in pixels, for the new location of the text cursor.
///The Y coordinate for the location of the text cursor is set to the specified value, leaving the X coordinate unchanged. For more details about the text cursor, see the setCursor() function.
pub fn set_cursor_y(&self, y: i16) {
unsafe { set_cursor_y(y) }
///Set or disable text wrap mode.
/// - w true enables text wrap mode. false disables it.
///Text wrap mode is enabled by specifying true. In wrap mode, if a character to be drawn would end up partially or fully past the right edge of the screen (based on the current text size), it will be placed at the start of the next line. The text cursor will be adjusted accordingly.
///If wrap mode is disabled, characters will always be written at the current text cursor position. A character near the right edge of the screen may only be partially displayed and characters drawn at a position past the right edge of the screen will remain off screen.
pub fn set_text_wrap(&self, w: bool) {
unsafe { set_text_wrap(w) }
///Idle the CPU to save power.
///This puts the CPU in idle sleep mode. You should call this as often as you can for the best power savings. The timer 0 overflow interrupt will wake up the chip every 1ms, so even at 60 FPS a well written app should be able to sleep maybe half the time in between rendering it's own frames.
pub fn idle(&self) {
unsafe { idle() }
///Get the current state of all buttons as a bitmask.
///### Returns
///A bitmask of the state of all the buttons.
///The returned mask contains a bit for each button. For any pressed button, its bit will be 1. For released buttons their associated bits will be 0.
///The following defined mask values should be used for the buttons:
pub fn buttons_state(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe { arduboy_buttons_state() }
///Exit the sketch and start the bootloader.
///The sketch will exit and the bootloader will be started in command mode. The effect will be similar to pressing the reset button.
///This function is intended to be used to allow uploading a new sketch, when the USB code has been removed to gain more code space. Ideally, the sketch would present a "New Sketch Upload" menu or prompt telling the user to "Press and hold the DOWN button when the procedure to upload a new sketch has been initiated".
///The sketch would then wait for the DOWN button to be pressed and then call this function.
pub fn exit_to_bootloader(&self) {
unsafe { arduboy_exit_to_bootloader() }